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Different Types of Websites You Can Create by Using Drupal CMS

Your CMS is the fulcrum of your enterprise as it gives you the tensile strength to create a robust online presence.  But having the right approach towards delivering astound content also involves effectual content strategies in place.

Drupal is a popular CMS that helps to build an efficacious content strategy with its out of the box features and functionalities. Research has stated that about 72% of the digital marketers have their content plans in place, out of which about 30% are documented and the rest non documented.

Different Types of Websites You Can Create by Using Drupal CMS

Drupal is very useful for business owners related to different sectors and industries. Here I will discuss some of the different types of websites that you can easily develop by using Drupal CMS.

File storage websites:

These websites are usually very useful for effective file management. In case of file storage website, it might be very difficult for you to have complete control over the data. So Drupal can be used to create a file sharing platform by using the CCK and Views with some modules like Filebrowser, MediaMover and etc.

News portal website: 

Drupal development is the best CMS that helps you to create an online magazine website or a news website. It is by using the CCK and the Views, that you can create numerous post types and list them as per your preference.

Today, a wide range of new websites all over the globe are create by using the Drupal CMS platform. To ensure that the news portal is operating perfectly, it is also important to choose the best Drupal hosting service provider.

Social networking sites:

Drupal is probably the best platform to create social networking sites. The out of the box features and robust functionalities like permission systems and user management helps to create a real networking site. Drupal’s module directory also consists of plenty of modules that help to accomplish the task.

Image sharing site:

By using Drupal, you can also create a perfect portal for professional photographers and showcase their work with others.  Drupal’s module directory also consists of several modules that allows you to build a powerful photo sharing website like 500px.com or Flickr.

Blogging network website:

Creating a blogging website is very easy with Drupal as no additional module is needed for this. You only need a built-in blog module and with Drupal CMS, you can customize it easily according to your needs. Wisebread is a popular blogging network created by using the Drupal CMS.

Twitter clone website:

If you have plans to create a Twitter competitor website using Drupal, then you can do it easily. You can design your website and incorporate a micro blogging features in your site.  Drupal offers micro blogging module that allows the users to send short updates and etc.

Also Read: How to Effectively Structure Your Content Using Drupal 8?

Video sharing website: 

Such websites are extremely resourceful, but if you are interested in creating one, then Drupal offers various features to make your dream come true.  But remember that a video sharing site cannot be created with Drupal 7, but the FlashVideo offers an effective solution for creating a YouTube clone.

This is possible because it integrates with the CCK and converts the videos into FLV. This enables the users to share their videos easily.

To conclude, Drupal is a multi-purpose and feature rich CMS and helps the users to create any website types according to their needs.

Tips to Display Latest Posts in WordPress

Any WordPress posts are usually displayed on the home page together with the older posts that is available via the post navigation. You must be aware of the basics of creating and publishing a post in WordPress which is relatively easy. However, it is important to understand a few things and components that will ensure that you are making complete use of the publishing powers of the WordPress.

Though there are various possible steps that are involved in the process of publish and displaying any latest post in WordPress. there are also some methods specific methods that will help in displaying a post.

Tips to Display Latest Posts in WordPress

Creating a new post:

The first post is to create a new post that you want to display and since WordPress was initially built as a blogging platform, its focus remains the same till today. Once you have created your post, it can be displayed on one single page so that the readers can see all the posts in a that page without having to browse here and there. Here in this article, we will discuss how you can display your posts on a single page without pagination.

Displaying your new posts always helps your users to check them easily. You can add the posts in your sidebar at the end of your post content or even inside your content with a short code. Here let’s see how to display your latest posts on WordPress with a widget, shortcode, plugin and manual method with recent function.

Also Read: WordPress 5.0 Beta 3 Is Here! A Look at Its Updates

Using the posts widget: WordPress has a default widget that helps to display recent posts on the sidebar of the site or any widget ready area. Visit the Appearance>Widget and then add the Recent Posts widget to the sidebar. An alternative title, show date and the number of posts that you want to display can be provided to the widget. You can then save your widget settings

Using WordPress Shortcode:

Adding your recent posts in the side bar is an easy task, but if you want to show the latest posts inside another post or page then the best way is to use Shortcodes. For this, you have to install and activate the Display Posts Shortcode plugin. You only have to edit the post or page where you can display your posts and then use the shortcode with the parameters inside the post.

Use Widget extended plugin:

If you want to display thumbnails and excerpts in your recent posts, then you have to use recent posts widget extended plugin. You have to install and activate wordpress plugin and add the Recent Post Extended widget to the sidebar. The latest widget comes with various options and helps you to control on how you can display the recent post on your WP site. You can show excerpts, limit categories, and tags, show thumbnails and etc.

Displaying the posts manually:

Advanced users may be willing to add their recent posts directly in the WordPress theme files. The easiest way to use the built-in WP query class is to add the code where you need to display the recent posts.

How to Sell WordPress Themes Proficiently to Customers

WordPress is the most popular content management system that serves many users. Designers and developers often feel motivated to create themes for WordPress that they can sell and generate good returns for their hard work. So, if you can get it right with the WordPress theme, then it is a huge opportunity to earn endless. Now, the simple truth is that you may have created the best WordPress theme for the market, but it may never sell! Where did you go wrong?

Creativity, technical skills and design are important, but if you don’t market your product in the right way, then your work may just flow away in the water. So to sell your WordPress themes, you need to plan a strong marketing strategy, which should be ready even before you finish developing the theme.

How to sell WordPress themes proficiently to customers

Consider What People Are Looking for in a Professional WordPress Theme:

Before developing your WordPress themes, try to find out what your target audience is actually looking for. You can take a look at the support forums to learn about it. Make sure that the theme that you are making follows the latest trends and modern design to make it very competitive.  Once the theme is ready, test it extensively and gather insights and feedback from the users so that you can plan your marketing strategies accordingly.

Internationalization and Localization:

Developing a translation ready theme will help you go a long way in gaining popularity. Considering the varied set of WordPress users, it is true that not everyone will speak fluent English. A translation ready theme is best to attract the huge user base and also gain popularity.

Sell Your WordPress Themes Online:

You have Amazon for selling goods, similarly, you also have different marketplaces online, where you can sell WordPress themes and plugins.  Since it powers more than 18.9% of all the websites, there are popular marketplaces for selling the themes. Some of the top players in this business are:

  • WordPress Repository: It is a platform that allows you to upload your WordPress themes. The theme will go through a screening process and after that, you can get statistics of the number of times it has been downloaded and any feedback from the users.
  • ThemeForest: It is one of the most popular marketplaces for themes and has about 10,000 themes and templates from over 2500 authors. The site also generates very high traffic that you can tap if you wish to sell your WordPress themes.

Customization Options:

Every user would always prefer a customized WP theme so that it matches specific business needs. In order to make it something where users would like to invest money, the theme should have some customization settings in a user-friendly manner. If your users have to tweak the code for even minor changes, then it would be used by only a handful of customers.

If You are a Startup, Then Make it Free:

You may be wondering that giving away your work for free won’t make any money for you. But you are wrong. If you are new in the online world, then chances are high that you don’t have a very strong online presence and people don’t even know your work. Trying to sell your WP theme is near to impossible as people won’t shell out their money for someone they have not even heard of.  Selling it for free will at least increase your brand in the market.

Also Read: Using CDN to Power Up and Boost Your WordPress Website Performance

Market it Right:

Selling through a marketplace will surely make you pay a hefty fee and also face a lot of competition. Planning a proper marketing strategy will help in long-term business strategy. You can run your own marketing campaigns and optimize your site for certain relevant keywords to outrank your competitors. You can promote your products and even offer attractive discounts to users. This will help you to reach out to more audiences and increase your revenues.