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How Moodle LMS Helps to Track Student Engagement

E-learning is a popular term now and it is enjoying a buzzword status in the academic landscape. Today, institutes have come up with various online courses that help thousands of learners to continue with their studies even on the go. But one issue in e-learning is mainly ensuring an adequate degree of engagement so as to complete the course.

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In a regular classroom, it is easy to point out to the students who are disengaged. And based on their performance, the students can be guided in the e-learning space. It is absolutely essential to come up with solutions that ensure the involvement of the students.

Since student engagement plays a vital role in the e-learning domain, it is crucial to check that your learner looks forward to the learning process before he or she feels burdened or starts to show disinterest in the course. Moodle LMS helps to keep your students engaged through various features and reports. The LMS helps to identify the alarming signs for the trainees and also helps to offer personalized guidance.

Here is what Moodle LMS can do to enhance student’s engagement:

Helps to increase the retention rates:

It is a fact that maximum productivity is attained only when the learners feel engaged and totally involved in the course. Students are likely to forget the things that they learn if they find it difficult to communicate or it becomes monotonous. The learners need to understand the benefits of training. Otherwise, it is sure to come become more stressful rather than a value generating activity. Moodle helps to keep the students engaged with various activities that add value to their learning

Performance turnover:

Most employees often look forward to a productive training phase when working in a highly demanding culture. An engaging environment is a must in such type of situation or else all your employees or students will be disheartened and will also withdraw themselves completely. Moodle development helps to maintain workplace productivity, which is directly proportional to the worker’s happiness.

Helps to reduce distractions:

We live in the world where technology rules and today, we are also heavily dependent on technology and so the learners are also bombarded by multiple distractions. Without proper engagement, your learners won’t be interested in the course and this will of course lead to poor retention and low performance. Moodle LMS helps to introduce attractive means that keeps the students engaged and also offers great communication among the teachers and the learners.

Revaluation of course content quality:

Lack of student engagement indicates that the quality of course content. And quality plays an important role in keeping the learners hooked to the course. Moodle helps to do an in depth analysis of the student’s engagement and why you should put extra efforts to rework and also improve the course content quality.

Forums and chat options:

Moodle LMS development also allows the academic organizations to add forums or chatting options to keep a track of the student engagement. Moodle helps to set up an open for knowledge sharing and discussion and once it is done, the students can use the forum which is a good indicator of student engagement.

Add feedback forms: 

Learners are often asked to fill some feedback forms that help to share their experience with others. Moodle LMS helps the course owners to create questions that cover all aspects of the e-learning course and the teachers can also get an idea of the areas that have red flags. Those particular aspects can be focused specially and worked on, thereby leading to better student engagement.