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How to Optimize Your WordPress Website for Better Performance

Optimizing your WordPress site is very essential as it involves improving the overall performance of the site in a few optimization cycles. But all these needs proper planning and a lot of time and hard work too.

Since luring modern uses is not an easy task, it is important to make the content of your site highly interactive. Today’s viewers don’t have much time to wait and so they need a site that is fast, easy to navigate and can also answer or address some of their pain points. Many websites are not properly optimized and so they lack visibility on the search engines.

For this you need to ensure that your site is fast, easy to use and the design is specifically for smaller screens or any device.


Managing the WordPress development database is a wonderful means to optimize the site. For this you can use a database optimization plugin like the WP-DP Manager and this plugin allows the users to organize, repair, backup, restore and more.

Speed of the Site:

Google doesn’t love slow websites and visitors can’t wait for a long time for the site to load. So, it is highly important to make your website load fast so that you don’t lose on opportunities and Google finds it perfect and helps to increase the visibility.

Excellent UX:

Since the website is the first point of contact between your business and the customer, it should have great functionality and an excellent UX that makes it easy for the prospects to find what they actually need. Once they are comfortable using your site, you can easily gain and keep a client forever.

Also Read: 5 WordPress CMS Secrets that Contribute to a Great User Experience

Managed Hosting Provider:

Choose a WordPress hosting solution that is specific for WordPress and it guarantees that you site always works effortlessly. This will guarantee that you site always offers the best performance and managed hosting is especially suited for large and enterprise level business and offers high security and high performance.

Regular Updates:

WordPress developers should keep your site updated with latest features and functionalities and update the security patches as soon as they are released. Your WordPress site should be functional and for that keeping it updated regularly is essential.


Mobile traffic has surpassed the desktop and with more and more people using the smartphones, you WordPress development website should be functional and easy to access from mobile devices. The layout should be able to cope up with any screen and maintain the consistency in displaying the content on the phone.



A Checklist to Consider Before Switching to a New LMS Platform

If you have plans to switch to a new LMS development platform, then it is crucial to ensure that you are doing it for some good and genuine reasons. In a market which is constantly changing, the exponential progression in the e-learning industry truly stands by the popular quote that “Change is the only thing that is constant”. Though switching to a new LMS is a tough decision, but following some strict checklist can help you to be successful and launch an eLearning project smoothly.

LMS Development

Know Your Reason for Switching:

You may not be entirely satisfied with the user experience of your current LMS development platform, but that is not a great reason to switch to a new platform as it may have a great impact on your business. What is important is to evaluate the reasons for changing the LMS system and that should be the first thing to consider. Once you have identified the current problems, include the solutions to your new system to ensure that it addresses all your current issues directly.

Check the User Engagement Feature that Your New LMS Development Would Offer:

While hiring an LMS development company, you should make it very clear about the features and the functionalities that the particular LMS platform would deliver. Since learners have a short attention span, it is important that your LMS platform comes with features that can engage the users like interactive videos, forums, email courses, short learning snippets, daily quizzes and etc. This will ensure that the content is pushed to the learners and they can get notifications even without opening the app or the website.

Different Content Types that it supports:

Since you have plans to switch to a new LMS platform. it is a good idea to explore the content types that the LMS can support. Content creation is a time consuming and expensive task, so your LMS should offer features that can help to integrate videos, images, and also allow any external content to be accessed by the users of the LMS. Interactive videos, memory games and collages are some of the content that can be created.

Also Read: Tips to Implement Your LMS Application Successfully

Scope and Plan for the Data Migration:

Another most crucial aspect that needs to be considered for the LMS switching process is data mapping and data cleanup. This is a key challenge, which comes along with the LMS implementation. Since the two platforms may have different databases and workflows, data migration needs careful planning to ensure that there is zero data loss. Some areas may need more attention.